Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Soul Tie Release By Eyestar7

I release you back to the earth,
Where the winds shall carry your worth,
For the soul tie we once believed to share,
Is now severed, floating away with the air.

I free myself from your toxic hold,
No longer burdened by stories untold,
With each breath, I let go of the pain,
And my spirit starts to dance in the rain.

I send back all ill will you sent my way,
Return to sender, let it not stay,
For I am a vessel of love and light,
With open arms, I welcome the night.

No bitterness shall reside in my heart,
As I walk this journey, a brand new start,
The ties that bound us are now untied,
As I embrace the freedom, I feel inside.

In the depths of the earth, I release you,
Let nature's embrace cleanse and renew,
May every ounce of negativity depart,
As I heal and rediscover my own art.

I am a poet, a creator of words,
And your presence no longer disturbs,
I write my verses with passion and grace,
Leaving behind the shadows, embracing space.

So farewell, dear soul, we part our ways,
But I'll forever cherish the brighter days,
For in your absence, I find my own voice,
And in the depths of my soul, I rejoice. 

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