Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Hello World! By Eyestar7

As a healer, I believe that love is the most powerful force in the universe. It is the essence of who we are and has the ability to transform lives. I strive to create a safe and loving space for everyone that I work with to explore their inner selves, release past traumas, and connect with their higher selves.

My journey as a healer began when I realized that there was so much more to life than what meets the eye. I started delving into various spiritual practices, studying different modalities, and seeking out mentors who could guide me on my path. Through years of exploration and self-discovery, I am honing my abilities, which allows me to gain a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

Just Be

One of the most powerful aspects of being a healer is the ability to tap into the energy that flows through all living beings. This universal energy, often referred to as love or life force, is the essence of who we truly are. By accessing this energy and channeling it, I am able to assist others in their healing journey.

As an empath, I have a keen sense of emotional intuition. I can feel the emotions and energies of others, often before they are even aware of them themselves. This allows me to provide guidance and support to individuals who may be struggling with their emotions or feeling stuck in their lives. By helping them to identify and release these emotions, I can assist in their healing process.

In addition to my empathic abilities, I am also a seer, which means I have the ability to see beyond the physical realm. I can tap into higher dimensions and receive information and insights that are not readily apparent to others. This allows me to provide guidance and clarity to those seeking answers or direction in their lives.

Energy healing is another modality I utilize to support individuals in their healing journey. By working with the body’s energetic system, I can help to remove blockages, balance the chakras, and restore the flow of energy throughout the body. This can have profound effects on a person’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Crystals are powerful tools that I incorporate into my healing practice. Each crystal has its own unique vibration and healing properties. By intuitively selecting and utilizing specific crystals, I can enhance the healing process and support individuals in their journey towards wholeness.

Tarot and Oracle cards are also valuable Divination tools that I use to provide guidance and insight. By tapping into the collective unconscious, these cards can offer clarity and illumination on a person’s path. Through channeling, I am able to interpret the messages and symbols presented by the cards, offering guidance and support to those seeking answers or confirmation.

Counseling is an important aspect of my work as a healer. By holding space for individuals to express themselves and explore their innermost thoughts and feelings, I can assist in their healing process. I provide guidance, support, and practical tools to help individuals navigate their spiritual journey and overcome challenges.

Overall, my role as a healer is to assist individuals in their awakening process. I am here to support, guide, and empower others as they navigate their own unique path. I believe that we all have the ability to tap into our own innate healing abilities and connect with the infinite love that surrounds us. My mission is to help others realize their own potential and embrace their spiritual gifts. Together, we can create a world filled with love, compassion, and healing.

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