Thursday, November 2, 2023

Cognitive Dissonance Part 2 (How Numerology and Cosmology View this Concept) By Eyestar7

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when an individual holds two conflicting beliefs or attitudes simultaneously. This inconsistency creates a state of discomfort, leading individuals to seek ways to reduce the dissonance and restore cognitive consistency.

When examining cognitive dissonance from a sacred geometry perspective, we can explore how the patterns and structures found in sacred geometry reflect the interconnectedness and harmony of the universe. Sacred geometry is a term used to describe the mathematical principles that underlie the creation of the universe and can be observed in the patterns found in nature, architecture, and art.

From a sacred geometry perspective, cognitive dissonance can be seen as a disruption in the natural harmony and balance that exists within the universe. When individuals hold conflicting beliefs or attitudes, they create a misalignment between their internal state and the external world. This misalignment disrupts the natural flow of energy and information, leading to a state of dissonance.

Cosmology, on the other hand, focuses on the study of the origin, structure, and evolution of the universe. From a cosmological perspective, cognitive dissonance can be seen as a reflection of the complexity and diversity that exists within the universe. Just as the universe contains a multitude of stars, galaxies, and planetary systems, the human mind also encompasses a wide range of beliefs, attitudes, and perspectives.

In cosmology, cognitive dissonance can be viewed as a natural consequence of the human capacity for complex thought and self-awareness. As individuals navigate the complexities of life, they encounter new information and experiences that may challenge their existing beliefs and attitudes. This clash between old and new knowledge creates cognitive dissonance, prompting individuals to reevaluate their beliefs and make sense of the world.

Both sacred geometry and cosmology offer unique perspectives on cognitive dissonance. From a sacred geometry perspective, cognitive dissonance represents a disruption in the natural harmony of the universe, while from a cosmological perspective, it reflects the complexity and diversity inherent in the human experience. By exploring cognitive dissonance through these lenses, we can gain a deeper understanding of the psychological processes that shape our beliefs and attitudes.

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