Wednesday, November 1, 2023


In the realm of truth, where fiction fades,
A tale of wonder, where reality cascades,
It’s the Mandela Effect, a cosmic connection,
A soulful vibration, a perplexing reflection.

In this world of ours, where memories sway,
A veil is lifted, revealing a mysterious display,
The past, once known, now takes a twist,
As alternate histories emerge from the mist.

Oh Mandela, a name that rings so true,
A symbol of change, a leader through and through,
But some remember a different course of time,
Where his passing occurred in a different rhyme.

Collective memories, oh how they entwine,
Different versions of events, so hard to define,
Did we shift through dimensions, or was it just a dream?
A soulful vibration, causing reality to teem.

From the Berenstain Bears to the Fruit of the Loom,
Small details altered, leaving us in a gloom,
Did we journey through time, or was it mere illusion?
A poetic dance, causing minds to question.

Truth is stranger than fiction, it’s often said,
And in the Mandela Effect, we find truth widespread,
For in the depths of our souls, a knowing resides,
A soulful vibration, where reality collides.

So let us ponder, let us explore,
The Mandela Effect, a mystery to adore,
For in its enigma, we uncover a new way,
To see the world, in a different light, each day.

So embrace the strange, the uncertain, the odd,
For it is in these moments, we connect with the God,
And as the Mandela Effect dances through our perception,
We find truth in the soulful vibration’s connection.

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