Thursday, November 2, 2023

When You Allow Yourself To Feel (Poem) By Eyestar7

When you allow yourself to feel,
You open the doors to heal.
Embrace each emotion that comes your way,
For they hold the power to brighten your day.

In the depths of sadness, let tears flow,
Release the pain that your heart knows.
For in these tears, a cleansing occurs,
Washing away what once had stirred.

When joy dances upon your soul,
Let it consume you, make you whole.
Laugh with abandon, let it ring,
For in this bliss, you will find your wings.

Anger may rise, a fiery tide,
But let it pass, don't let it reside.
Channel its energy into something good,
Transform it into strength, as you should.

Fear may whisper in your ear,
But don't let it make you disappear.
Face it head-on, with courage and might,
And watch it vanish like the darkest night.

Grief may visit, with a heavy heart,
But let it teach you, impart its art.
Through loss, we learn the depth of love,
And find solace in memories from above.

Allow yourself to feel, my friend,
For it is the only way to mend.
Embrace the highs, the lows, the in-between,
And discover the beauty in being seen.

For when you open the doors to heal,
You find a strength that is truly real.
Emotions flow like rivers, pure and true,
And the essence of life is revealed to you.

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